Discussion: Thoughts on this hybrid course

   Reflective: This class took you out of your comfort zone. So if you were uncomfortable of doing discusions, and keeping it 100% this hybrid course was not for such individual. I believe I have grown  as in stating my opion at all times because in English class everyone has a different point of view. … Continue reading Discussion: Thoughts on this hybrid course

Discussion: Analyzing Visual Arguments

Reflection: In this area of class I have incorparted my knowledge of vewing different pictures different for example is each picture telling an story. Which can replace words by just observing. Each picture has a story that may explain an author or  what they are tryign capture their audience. I have learned to use pictures to… Continue reading Discussion: Analyzing Visual Arguments

Discussion: Conventional and Unconventional Research

You’ve read in the textbook today about different kinds of sources available to you for your research-based argumentative essay.  I’d like for you to consider for a moment other kinds of data and other kinds of unconventional research that is available to you and may prove effective. Read through the two following links: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html?utm_source=nextdraft&utm_medium=email&_r=0 http://www.theverge.com/2016/2/1/10872792/facebook-interests-ranked-preferred-audience-size… Continue reading Discussion: Conventional and Unconventional Research

Discussion– Choosing a Research Topic + Responding to your classmates’ topics

My topic I would like to focus on is the Marijuana legalization for the correct use. However, it may cause issues but the main goal is target the right us and why it should be legalized on the other hand, I would like anyone’s opinion if I should write more about dancehall especially that it… Continue reading Discussion– Choosing a Research Topic + Responding to your classmates’ topics

Discussion:List View Forum: Analyzing Arguments Rhetorically

page 159 and 162 COLLAPSE Page 162 1.Lopez appeal to logos by giving the stories of surrogate mothers, and give statistical data of the duration and cost of the procedure. Also, Lopez main statement is her opposition of surrogate parenting. This would allow a woman who cannot have a baby of their own to now have… Continue reading Discussion:List View Forum: Analyzing Arguments Rhetorically

Discussion:New York Times Abstract

What Roles Do Caribbean Migrants Play In The Electing Of Caribbean American Officials? Brown, Ingrid. The Broward Times [Coral Gables, Fla] 28 Mar 2003: 5. Article URL is below http://search.proquest.com.ccny-proxy1.libr.ccny.cuny.edu/ethnicnewswatch/docview/367734029/4F186F06B57C43C4PQ/3?accountid=9967 Abstract In this New York Times Article Caribbean Migrants was the main target by which ethos was not clearly shown; in other words Caribbean Migrants was a… Continue reading Discussion:New York Times Abstract

Discussion:Forum: Reasonable Arguments vs. Pseudo-Arguments

Are the Star Wars films good science fiction? Answer: Star Wars is good science fiction because teaches kids about galaxy and what the difference between earth is. Another, person might say that Star Wars is just Fantasy of what we might want happen in space. Reason may be is that animals cannot live in space… Continue reading Discussion:Forum: Reasonable Arguments vs. Pseudo-Arguments