Discussion:Forum: Reasonable Arguments vs. Pseudo-Arguments

  1. Are the Star Wars films good science fiction?

Answer: Star Wars is good science fiction because teaches kids about galaxy and what the difference between earth is. Another, person might say that Star Wars is just Fantasy of what we might want happen in space. Reason may be is that animals cannot live in space they will die and no one would like to live in space all their life not able to run. So therefore, Star Wars can be a pseudo argument because there can be a possibility of change or growth as he or she analyze the movie with their beliefs.

2.Is it ethically justifiable to capture dolphins or orca whales and train them for human entertainment?

Answer: It is not ethically justifiable to capture dolphins or orca whales and train them for human entertainment because they are not living a productive life on what they were known to do which is protect the ocean. Also, another point is why it may not be ethically justifiable to capture dolphins or orca whales and train them for human entertainment is because it is interfering with animal environmental issues of capturing animal if it is not sick. Others might say it is ethically justifiable to capture these sea creatures because they are able to touch them and reduce stress with human to human. So therefore, these animals are useful in some sense with entertainment especially, summer time. Also, some may it is Also, another point is why it may not be ethically justifiable to capture dolphins or orca whales and train them for human entertainment is because it is been protected rather than it is out in the wild see where it can be killed easily.

3.Should cities subsidize professional sports venues?

Answer: Cities should subsidize professional sports venues because it wastes tax dollars that could have gone to foundations such as non profit organization that help kids with cancer. However, government may use this venue to say that it helps the economic in getting new buildings or supply for the country so that people may have jobs easily at these events. So it is a waist to subsidize professional sports venues. By the results of tearing down middle class people to become poor at last. So maybe it is best to let tax money something useful in communities rather than an sports venues.

 4.Is this abstract oil painting created by a monkey smearing paint on a canvas a true work of art?

Answer: Yes it is a true work of art because the monkey has 98 % genes of how a human operates and human begins is likely to do the same painting. This a classical argument because there is no wrong or right answer about a monkey painting a canvas into a true work of art. On the other hand, one may say that only we as humans see the canvas as a work of art.The monkey might just believe that the oil painting is affecting or damaging is body or likes to try something new like a human begin. Which the monkey might fall in love with just painting a piece of board.

5.Are nose rings and tongue studs attractive?

Answer: These specific studies may be attractive to different people by their culture. An example, that maybe used is a religious person like a Christian is only accepted to wear studs on the ear but it is not acceptable to wear it nose or tongue. On the other hand, an Indian background might say it is okay to do so in their religion because it is a sign of beauty and not a sin. Which leads to a huge pseudo argument because they can also say that Africans do wear studs but is not sin so there is no wrong or right answer that studs can be attractive and cannot.




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