Discussion: Text to Sex

Reflection: This article gave a different view of you can write or argue as an oppose with an aurthor about there topic. For instance I was impress how the essay was exploratory in some way but cooperated in a logical sense. 

Article: Text to SexImage result for text to sex

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In the first part of this article I notice the author gave suggestions on how her audience may be persuade as they read. One was either the female would be triggering males emotion to hook up or be in controlling of the men roles more than how a man is entitled to hook up with more than one females. Which also includes is text the right way to get your sex drive understandable for a one night or is it best to just speak to opposite gender that you need sex. Where statistics was used to proven the controversy of gender understanding of who must play a certain role where one believe the author uses logic and ethos to prove their points precisely by the help of  her students who she train for such awkward research. The context might first started out as scholarly but as you analyzing the context in different categories you realize is just what when like when hooking up and the same for men but in one area there was unjust with agreements where high percentage if when seem not to understand why women are not outspoken about what they might want from them.This shows that the author’s way of perusing was not suppose to be emotional but conceive in a way of giving two views of what gender think about each other. So yes one may say that the effect of how the author present her work might not be persuasive to them because it was not written in the form to pursue you right away instead it persuade in different logical way to think about the opposite gender.Which another might say that it was introduce or pursue in the correct manner. For example she compares the boys to not show affection about hooking up over the phone which the opposite sex does by introducing it in a friendly manner by seeking whom the person is then make there move that is one way she persuade the audience giving examples how each gender reacts. Overall, it seem as if the text format works best for young college students before hooking up fully.

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